Sunday, April 25, 2010

well last night charlie and i went to playhouse square to see august osage county  if it is in your area go see it 
it was great funny and dramatic

back to some history  my sister theresa was in here senior year when we came to canal fulton, previously she had attended Central Catholic High in Reading Pa so it was difficult for her to leave all her friends in Reading and make new ones here in Canal Fulton.  Remembering that the town then was very small, around 250 residents everyone was related to someone except for the Koenig family who was not related to anyone and our nearest relatives were back in Reading.

My brothers and I all were enrolled in Sts Philip & James School which was staffed by Notre Dame nuns from Chardon which is where their motherhouse was located.  Our school was staffed by three nuns for all eight grades with one nun as a housekeeper.  Needless to say our school was very small  If I remember correctly there were 12 students in my class all the way through eighth grade.

will continue with more of this on the next posting  till then  enjoy

Thursday, April 22, 2010

project runway

well charlie has sent his application to project runway.  Semi-finalists will be selected from April 26th thur may 21st so i guess all will be pins and needles till this time passes.

more on the family   My mother, sister, myself and 4 of my brothers traveled by train from reading pa to the fine city of canal fulton .  If anyone can remember we actually had passenger trains that stopped in canal fulton  by the old feed mill.  I remember when we got to our new house, the neighbor Pearl Doxsee immediately came over with two apple pies to welcome us. Pearl was a lovely lady and has long since passed away . Her husband charlie preceded her in death and i would visit Pearl often and she would always have a treat with tea or  coffee  Her and her husband are buried in the Union cemetery along with many of the old neighbors from days gone by.

I think this is enough for today will continue again soon   Jim

Monday, April 5, 2010

day after easter

work today was the usual fast pace working short of aids as usual but i would like to go ba ck and talk a little further about my godmother.

I remember surprising her with a visit when i was around 30.   I was visiting Reading and decided to stroll down Mulberry St. and see my grandmother old house and then came 223 1/2 Mulberry St. home of Anna and Tony Dietz.  I remember ringing the door bell and a few minutes later Anna looking very stoutly wearing a buster brown haircut and the typical grandma glasses appeared.  Her smile was instaneous and she knew immemdiately who I was.  It was as if time had stopped for her and her little Jimmy was back.  I cant remember much of what we talked about but i do remember her very plain living room narrow and not to roomy as she lived in a sandstone row house.  As i said in previous post she nurtured almost 100 children, many into adulthood so i am sure some of our conversation was about those children .  There isn't much else  I can remember of that time so this will be the last reference to my dear Anna.

My parents were married at St Paul's in Reading on June 14 1924  I still have her wedding pictures in my living room .  I always thought they made such a striking couple.  Little can you tell from this picture the course their lives would take.

today was charlies first day back in class from easter break.  He scored another A- in his class and i will surely owe him a special day out if he makes the dean's list.  I am so proud of his accomlishments and how well he is doing on all his class projects and of course the runway shows.

well i guess this is enough for today .  over and out  jim

Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter sunday 2010

charlies mom dad brother and nexphew were down for dinner at 3pm as i had to work at the nursing home today from 7  to 3.   they left almost immediately after dinner which upset charlie as they did not stay around to visit at all but for me that is nothing new.  I am used to their abrupt departures.

now i will reminiesce about my early years in Pa.  My parents lived with my maternal grandmother altho i do not remember much of this.  What i remember is that my dad was a drinker and lost our home in
Reading and it is not clear why he came to Canal Fulton.  Prior to us following him i remember we all lived with different people till my mother had enough money for train fare to Ohio.  I lived with my  godparents,Anna and Tony Dietz long time deceased and buried at Resuurection Cemetery in Reading.  I have visited their gravesites once on a visit back to Reading.  Anna was a great lady she took in many foster children and most stayed with her till adulthood.  All of us would have to attend Sunday Mass iregardless of your religious persuasion.  Each of us was given a nickel for the collection plate and she made sure we deposited it in the collection basket.  Anna and Tony ran a small candy store in the front of their house and comic books were bought and exchanged for a penny.  Anna had over a 100 foster children in her house of course not all at once.  The last one a Jewish boy was also expected to attend Mass and deposit his nickel in the collection. I often wonder if he is out there somewhere remembering Anna and her nickels.  After moving to Ohio Anna would send me a nickel every year on my birthday and lovingly remind me to place it in the collection basket on Sunday.  She is the fondest memory of my very early years and I shall always be grateful to her for her wisdom guidance and love.

Well what about   the pope, what are we to say about this mess.  Another scandal being covered up which when all is said and done another worthless apology from a pope regarding this sexual scandal now in Europe and some still here in the US. Charlie thinks here in the US we should all stop giving our money to the church in protest and all American clergy should ask the pope to resign.  Little hope of that happening

Well this is enough for this post  till tomorrow over and out  jim


Saturday, April 3, 2010

the beginning post to my new blog

well 68 years of living is perhaps a accomplishment for there are those who dont make it this far and there are those who go beyond . I guess this being the first post perhaps  i should start at the beginning on October 1, 1941 born this day to Genevieve and Paul Koenig in Reading Pa.  Perhaps looking back is an okay thing, but i think issues of today and the future may have more relevance for those who might view this post.  I am in the seventh year of my relationship with Charlie Dale, and we reside in Canal Fulton on the very street i was raised and grew to know who I am.  My family home is now the parking lot for SS. Philip and James Church which my family has attended since 1947.

It has changed considerably from the early days of about 110 families to now over 1700 give or take a few.  It was on Easter that i met Charlies family for the first time at his apartment in Cleveland, Ohio.  Charlie made Leg of Lamb and Greek potatoes green beans and desert.  The table was fabulous as Charlie is a close kin to Martha Stewart. LOL So now Easter 2010 has arrived and tomorrow his family will be here for dinner which will be ham, sweet potatoes and corn and strawberry shortcake or fruits of the forest pie. How time has gone by. Charlie is doing a fashion runway show to benefit HUNGER and several weeks ago we had asked the priest, Father John to publish the event in the church buelletin and tonight we discovered he never did as he said he would.  Charlie was pissed so we had gone to the church early to see how the easter decorations looked and Father was there in the sacristy. 

Charlie confronted him about why the event was not published and he was politely told that only church related events made it in the buelletin.   Charlie reminded him of a previous sermon where he said the church had to reach out to the community.  Some reaching out but  then Father is biased against homosexuals and the probably how more to do with not printing the information on the event for HUNGER than anything else  The old adage you cant teach an old dog new tricks  or can you.  I  guess this is enough for my first post  hope  you enjoy reading and comments are appreciated  over and out till next time   jim