Monday, May 3, 2010

latest info in project runway

i learned today that the semi finalists will be notified by phone. thought it would make it easier to know how the contact would be made so i called their office in california and that is what we learned.  the selection process goes thru may 31st.

onto some more history.  After my sister graduated high school she went to work for carter lumber co in akron ohio.  she rode the bus from canal fulton to akron.  yes indeed in those days we did have bus service. all the boys would sit on the porch waiting for her to come up over the hill from downtown where the bus left her off at 5pm every day.  once she was in sight we would run to meet her. i adored her.  i remember there was this contest at school selling subscriptions to the catholic exponet which was the paper published by the diocese of youngstown.  you had to sell 10 to attend the party which was held at the school for those who met their goal.  of  course i did not.  so that day Theresa took us to the school playgrounnd on the swings etc and sister joan came out and they needed another person to square dance and she wanted to know if i would join the party.  i refused because i did not want to give up the time were spending with theresa.

it is strange some of the things you remember from childhood and the rejection that came with defeat of an
activity sponsored by the school.  i remember the spelling bee i lost in 8th grade to gary stephan he won the trip to washington dc and i lost.  i never made it to washington until i reached the age of 62 and spent a week there hitting every tourist spot there was to see

well i think this is enough for tonight   will post again